Adidas store front at Andel. I can't tell you if they're good. I was there only once, few years ago. But they are facing the Village cinemas multiplex which - I can tell you - is good :) And it works kind of like a see all you can. They check the tickets only at one place. After that nobody knows which of some 15 cinemas you went in. And then you can go to another cinema and so on. Well, there's one disadvantage: it
is not legal.
There's a second multiplex cinema just over the street. They have some 10 cinemas in here. So Andel is quite a good place to be if you want to go to a cinema.
In other news: Prague's traffic was absolutely terribly jammed today and Tesco store at Narodni trida street is opened till midnight during Christmas (usual is till 10pm). A thing you really appreciate after spending several unplanned hours in above mentioned Prague's traffic.