This Porsche 911 has one uncommon thing among all the Porsches in Prague and Czech Republic respectively. Its license plate doesn't contain number 911. It seems like every other 911 owner have the luck to get a plate with those numbers - and we don't (officially) have custom plates in Czech Republic.
This place is very close to Celetna street (which leads to Old Town Square), Prague famous Kotva store and my former high school :) Thus I can tell you there's a pub on the right. Well, there was a pub. They rebuilt it lately and now it looks like there's gonna be a fancy and expensive restaurant. Prague is changing.
UPDATE: Lets go see Porsche 356 at Zurich Daily Photo.
356 is my very favorite Porsche... like this one from France for example :)
Canonet QL17 + Ilford Pan 100